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Model Meals

Model Meals is one of my most favorite things in life. It was created by Danika Brysha and is a Whole30/Paleo meal delivery service in Southern California, the Bay Area and Phoenix. 

Jeff and I really love all of their meals, and we love that at Model Meals they really care about the quality of their ingredients in every meal.  Not only do they use only the good stuff, they prepare everything with so much love and heart.

Plus - it's super easy to stay on track during your Whole30 if you have access to quick, easy & healthy meals! They deliver on Sundays and Wednesdays and keep you updated via text message as to when your food has been picked up from the Model Meals kitchen and when it's delivered right to your doorstep.

CLICK HERE for $25 off your first order of $40! Code KRYSTENSKITCHEN at checkout!
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